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< class="cpp" name="code">/******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** FILE : socket.h* Description : * * Copyright (c) 2012 by Liu Yanyun( All Rights Reserved.* Without permission, shall not be used for any commercial purpose* * History:* Version Name Date Description 0.1 Liu Yanyun 2012/12/11 Initial Version ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/#ifndef _SOCKET_H_#define _SOCKET_H_#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "sock_ev.h"class EventLoop;class CommBase;class SockAddr;/*==================================================================* Function : Socket* Description : Socket used for app, adapter CommBase==================================================================*/class Socket{public: /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.create * Description : static function used for create Socket, * Return Value: Socket pointer ==================================================================*/ static Socket* create(); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.destroy * Description : static function used for destroy Socket created by Socket.create * Input Para : sock_--socket pointer ==================================================================*/ static void destroy(Socket* &sock_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.getFd * Description : get socket fd * Return Value: socket fd,if fd is not avaliable -1 is return ==================================================================*/ int getFd(); /*================================================================== * Function : * Description : open socket in server of unconnection-mode * Input Para : socket address uri * Return Value: if success return true, or else false is return ==================================================================*/ bool open(const char *uri_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.connect * Description : connection-mode client connect to server * Input Para : socket address uri * Return Value: if success return true, or else false is return ==================================================================*/ bool connect(const char *uri_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.accept * Description : connection-mode server accept client connection * Input Para : sock_--stand for client socket pointer * Return Value: if success return true, or else false is return ==================================================================*/ bool accept(Socket *sock_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.send * Description : send data * Input Para : data_--data pointer * Input Para : len_--data length * Return Value: the number of characters sent ==================================================================*/ int send(void *data_, uint32_t len_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.send * Description : send data * Input Para : data_--data pointer * Input Para : len_--data length * Input Para : to_--the address of the target * Return Value: the number of characters sent ==================================================================*/ int send(void *data_, uint32_t len_, const char *to_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.recv * Description : recv data * Input Para : data_--data pointer * Input Para : len_--data length * Return Value: the number of characters received ==================================================================*/ int recv(void *data_, uint32_t len_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.recv * Description : recv data * Input Para : data_--data pointer * Input Para : len_--data length * Input Para : from_--the address of the source * Return Value: the number of characters received ==================================================================*/ int recv(void *data_, uint32_t len_, char *from_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.getEvt * Description : get event type * Return Value: already register event ==================================================================*/ EventType getEvt(); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.processEvent * Description : process Event * Input Para : evt_--event ==================================================================*/ void processEvent(EventType evt_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.setCallBack * Description : set calback function ==================================================================*/ void setCallBack(EventLoop *loop_, EvCallBack cb_, EventType evt_, void *arg_); /*================================================================== * Function : Socket.clearCallBack * Description : clear calback function ==================================================================*/ void clearCallBack(EventType evt_);private: EventType evt; CommBase *comm; SockAddr *addr; EventLoop *loop; EvCallBack rdCb; EvCallBack wrCb; void *rdArg; void *wrArg; // Disable copy construction and assignment. Socket(); virtual ~Socket(); Socket(const Socket&); const Socket &operator = (const Socket&);};#endif /*_SOCKET_H_*/



< class="cpp" name="code">/******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** FILE :* Description : * * Copyright (c) 2012 by Liu Yanyun( All Rights Reserved.* Without permission, shall not be used for any commercial purpose* * History:* Version Name Date Description 0.1 Liu Yanyun 2012/12/11 Initial Version ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/#include "socket.h"#include "sock_ev.h"#include "socket_addr.h"#include "socket_base.h"using namespace std;Socket::Socket(){ evt = 0; comm = NULL; addr = NULL; loop = NULL; rdCb = NULL; wrCb = NULL; rdArg= NULL; wrArg= NULL;}Socket::~Socket(){ if(NULL != comm) delete comm; if(NULL != addr) delete addr;}Socket* Socket::create(){ Socket *sock = new Socket(); if(NULL == sock) { logTrace("new Socket() failed"); return NULL; } return sock;}void Socket::destroy(Socket* &sock_){ if(NULL != sock_) delete sock_; sock_ = NULL;}int Socket::getFd(){ return comm->getSockFd();}bool Socket::open(const char *uri_){ addr = new SockAddr(uri_); if(NULL == addr) { logTrace("new SockAddr(%s) failed", uri_); return false; } if(!addr->parseUri()) { logTrace("parseUri() failed;uri:%s", uri_); return false; } int type = addr->getType(); if(SOCK_STREAM == type) { comm = new StreamSock(); } else if(SOCK_DGRAM == type) { comm = new DgramSock(); } else { logTrace("addr.type is invalid;type:%s", type); return false; } if(NULL == comm) { logTrace("new StreamSock() failed"); return false; } if(!comm->openSock(*addr)) { logTrace("StreamSock.openSock() failed"); return false; } return true;}bool Socket::connect(const char *uri_){ addr = new SockAddr(uri_); if(NULL == addr) { logTrace("new SockAddr(%s) failed", uri_); return false; } if(!addr->parseUri()) { logTrace("parseUri() failed;uri:%s", uri_); return false; } int type = addr->getType(); if(SOCK_STREAM == type) { comm = new StreamSock(); } else if(SOCK_DGRAM == type) { comm = new DgramSock(); } else { logTrace("addr.type is invalid;type:%s", type); return false; } if(NULL == comm) { logTrace("new StreamSock() failed"); return false; } if(!comm->connectTo(*addr)) { logTrace("StreamSock.connectTo() failed"); return false; } return true;}bool Socket::accept(Socket *sock_){ sock_->addr = new SockAddr(addr->getDomain(), addr->getType()); if(NULL == sock_->addr) { logTrace("new SockAddr(%d, %d) failed", addr->getDomain(), addr->getType()); return false; } int acceptFd = comm->acceptSock(*(sock_->addr)); if(-1 == acceptFd) { logTrace("accetp connection is failed"); return false; } int type = addr->getType(); if(SOCK_STREAM == type) { sock_->comm = new StreamSock(); } else if(SOCK_DGRAM == type) { sock_->comm = new DgramSock(); } else { logTrace("addr.type is invalid;type:%s", type); return false; } if(NULL == sock_->comm) { logTrace("new StreamSock() failed"); return false; } sock_->comm->setSockFd(acceptFd); return true; }int Socket::send(void *data_, uint32_t len_){ return comm->sendData(data_, len_);}int Socket::send(void *data_, uint32_t len_, const char *to_){ SockAddr *tmpAddr = new SockAddr(to_); if(NULL == tmpAddr) { logTrace("new SockAddr(%s) failed", to_); return -1; } if(!tmpAddr->parseUri()) { logTrace("parseUri() failed;uri:%s", to_); delete tmpAddr; return false; } int sendLen = comm->sendData(data_, len_, *tmpAddr); delete tmpAddr; return sendLen;}int Socket::recv(void *data_, uint32_t len_){ return comm->recvData(data_, len_);}int Socket::recv(void *data_, uint32_t len_, char *from_){ SockAddr *tmpAddr = new SockAddr(addr->getDomain(), addr->getType()); if(NULL == tmpAddr) { logTrace("new SockAddr(%s) failed"); return -1; } int sendLen = comm->recvData(data_, len_, *tmpAddr); if(NULL != from_) { string tmpStr; if(tmpAddr->toStr(tmpStr)) { sprintf(from_, "%s", tmpStr.c_str()); } else { sprintf(from_, "%s", "Invalid socket address string"); } } delete tmpAddr; return sendLen;}EventType Socket::getEvt(){ return evt;}void Socket::processEvent(EventType evt_){ if(NULL != rdCb && evt_&evRead) { rdCb(loop, this, evRead, rdArg); } else if(NULL != wrCb && evt_&evWrite) { wrCb(loop, this, evWrite, wrArg); } else { logTrace("eventType:%d;reCb:%p,wrCb:%p", evt_, rdCb, wrCb); }}void Socket::setCallBack(EventLoop *loop_, EvCallBack cb_, EventType evt_, void *arg_){ loop = loop_; if(evt_& evRead) { evt |= evRead; rdCb = cb_; rdArg= arg_; } if(evt_& evWrite) { evt |= evWrite; wrCb = cb_; wrArg= arg_; }}void Socket::clearCallBack(EventType evt_){ if(evt_&evRead) { evt &= ~evRead; rdCb = NULL; rdArg= NULL; } if(evt_&evWrite) { evt &= ~evRead; wrCb = NULL; wrArg= NULL; } if(0 == evt) { loop = NULL; }}


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